Silvia Botti (Author), Massimo Caiazzo (Author)
Interior & Architecture

Living Colours: Discovering their language to understand and use them in decorating your home

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5.9 x 0.7 x 8.2 inches
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Color is an extraordinary strategy of nature, a formidable means of information related to the survival of living beings. In the history of humanity, it has been the subject of studies and fascinations, which have given birth to a world of myths, mysteries and curiosities. Yet color is also linked to a technological and scientific universe of great value linked closely to the universe of living. It is no coincidence that the explosion of new opportunities and decorative technologies or new applications has taken over a dizzying rise of color, driven by the desire to change, the need to create an ideal environment. This book tries to tell both the color as history and mystery, both as a technical application, revealing origins and secrets, providing tools, a few easy rules, practical tips and creative ideas. In order to put the magic of color into practice in a project or just to treasure it and finally understand why in some environments we are just fine and in others we feel uncomfortable.

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Living Colours: Discovering their language to understand and use them in decorating your home
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