
Purchasing policy

Last update:

Payment Policy

1. COD – Cash on delivery

With COD, our customer only pays when the products are delivered and pay the exact amount that is written on the bill.

If the deliver demands an additional fee outside of the bill, please contact us for help.

2. Bank transfer

With this method, after the products are successfully ordered on the website or fan page, please finalize your payment through bank transfer to accounts below:

- Vietcombank – Tan Dinh Branch;

- Account number: 0371000482034;

- Account name: Pham Nguyen Thuy;

- Description: [Your Full Name] - [Phone number]

For example: Nguyen Hoai Nam - 0903523994.

After the payment is done and Artbook receives the money, we will deliver products according to the time specified in Deliver Policy.