
Purchasing policy

Last update:

Privacy Policy

1. Personal information gathering goals

Data collected on the website includes:

- Full name

- Email

- Phone number

- Address

Purpose: for us to confirm link when customers register to buy goods on the website to ensure the interests of customers.

Customer will be solely responsible for the security and keep all activities using the service under registration of his name, password and email. In addition, the customer is responsible for promptly informing Artbook of any unauthorized use, applicable, or third party information confidentiality scope for appropriate solutions.

2. Scope of using information

Artbook uses the information provided by the customer to:

- Providing customer related services.

- Send notifications about information exchange activities between customers and Artbook.

- Contacting and dealing with customers in special cases.

- In case of the request of competent law, Artbook is responsible for cooperating in providing personal information to customers, including: Procuracy, court, police agency investigating behavior. violate any law of the customer. In addition, no one has the right to compromise the personal information of customers.

3. Time to store information

Artbook will store the personal information provided by the customer on our internal systems during service provision to customers or until the purpose of information collection is completed or when the customer requests to destroy the information provided.

4. People or organizations that may have access to that information

Personal information on the website is allowed to be accessed by:

- Website management

- The customer owns that personal information

- Legal authorities of Vietnam (when required)

5. The address of the unit that collects and manages the information


- Address: 504 Nguyen Tat Thanh, Ward 18, District 4

- Phone: 0904 452 734

- Email: